Manila Community Services District 

Water Service Planned Interruption:

Victor Blvd from Laurel to Dean off Friday 02/07/2025 with door hangers distributed 48 hours in advance.

Emergency Phone 707-499-8451
(please feel free to call or text this phone number with the address and brief description of the problem. You can also send any pictures you feel might be helpful)

Office Phone: 707-444-3803

Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9a -1 p 
1901 Park Street , Manila California 95521
Board Meetings are every third Tuesday of the month and accessible at:

Tsunami Evacuation Routes and Sites

The District's mission is to contribute to the quality of life of the community by providing effective and efficient services, stewarding District-owned public facilities and natural resources, and providing for recreational opportunities through access to parklands, beach and bay properties. The District focuses on water and wastewater services and can represent Manila’s interests to the wider community.